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Safeguarding and Child Protection

RMAT is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. We expect all staff to share this commitment.

Safeguarding is paramount and underpins everything we do in each of our schools and Academies.

Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) and Deputy DSLs are in place in the Central Services Team and within each Academy as listed on the attached link: 

Safeguarding policies – our key safeguarding policies are listed below, along with statutory guidance in this area:

  • Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy and Addendum
  • Safe Working Practice Policy and Addendum
  • Attendance Policy
  • Health and Safety Policy and Addendum
  • ICT and E-Safety Policy and Addendum
  • SEND Policy
  • Looked After Children Policy
  • Anti-Bullying Policy
  • Intimate Care Policy
  • Managing Medicines Policy
  • Young Carers Policy
  • Relationships and Sex Education Policy
  • First Aid Policy

Statutory guidance below is linked to several of the statutory guidance documents and our Safeguarding Policy.

If you have a safeguarding concern, you can raise the issue with either the Designated Safeguarding Lead or any member of staff.