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We’re pledging our support for Anti-Bullying Week 2022

Hosted by the Anti-Bullying Alliance (ABA), Anti-Bullying Week takes place this year from 14 to 18 November 2022.

Chosen by children and school staff across the country, ‘Reach out’ is the theme for 2022; hoping to empower positive actions to counter the harm and hurt that bullying causes.

Across the Trust, our Academies and schools address and explore bullying throughout their curriculum, which is contextual and focuses on current affairs and trending issues. They host debates covering topics such as body shaming and ‘daring to be you’, alongside using creative channels such as drama performances and assemblies to share key messages around anti-bullying.

Restorative practice is also adopted if bullying incidents occur and help to resolve conflicts in a positive way and prevent any potential further harm.

Andy Goulty, Chief Executive Officer at the Trust, said: “The Rodillian Multi Academy Trust has pledged our support for ABA’s Anti-Bullying Week.

“Approximately one child in every classroom will experience bullying every day. Bullying can have a significant impact on a child’s life, and this can last into adulthood, with those bullied as children being more likely to leave school with no qualifications and experience a range of mental health issues.

“Anti-bullying is something we’re committed to all year round and is embedded within our resilience and positive discipline ethos and curriculum.

“The Trust has an anti-bullying policy, which shares our no-tolerance approach to bullying. It also focuses on educating staff, students, parents and carers on different forms of bullying, how we all can prevent, report and take appropriate actions to address, record and monitor bullying incidents, and how we can provide support for those who have experienced bullying.”

For support and resources including information for parents, carers and teaching resources for school staff, visit the ABA’s website: